Annual Training at Camp Dodge

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Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 377th Infantry Regiment recently conducted their annual training at Camp Dodge, Iowa July 20th –  23rd.  Soldiers conducted realistic medical training on the Urban Combat Operations (UCO) Course by integrating advanced training aids into the event.  One of the favorite training aids were mannequins that bled and required Combat Livesaver intervention to ensure survivability – the highlight of this event.

The UCO Course allowed BN Soldiers to execute Search and Rescue missions at the squad level.   The teams moved quickly from building to building and room to room.  Smoke filled the rooms and loud music created a level of stress during the operation which simulated the stresses of actual combat operations.  Once the village was secure, aid was rendered to the training mannequins to stop the bleeding and prepare the casualties for transport.  Litter teams were used to move the casualties to a simulated HLZ.

When the Soldiers weren’t busy on the UCO Course, they were qualifying on the M4 and M9, completing the classroom portion of the medical training, training on the Camp Dodge Obstacle Course and completing vehicle rollover training.  

The Battalion Soldiers enjoy the annual trip to Camp Dodge, and each year challenging tasks are added to build upon learned tasks from the previous year.  This year, the addition of the training mannequins in the village during UCO and events at the obstacle course were enjoyed by all.  In the upcoming years, the Battalion looks to add rappel training and coordinate additional training with an aviation unit.