Annual Golf Tournament Sept. 25

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  • Annual Golf Tournament Sept. 25

The 108th Griffon Association recently completed one of its designated missions, which is to offer at least once a year an informal social gathering of past and present members of the 108th Training Command. This was accomplished at the Weston Lake Recreation Area of Ft. Jackson, South Carolina on 29 April 2017.

Numerous association members and guests including former Training Command commanders, MG (Ret.) Charles (Skip) McCartney, and MG (Ret.) George Goldsmith attended. Several former Command CSMs were also in attendance. This type of gathering is informal and on a friendly no rank basis.  It’s Tom, George, Bill, Henry, etc., not Major, Captain SGT MAJ, General, etc. The association was developed around this concept, which is why we more mature old soldiers can relax and enjoy each other’s company. This concept also applies to any active unit members, which is one of the reasons the association continues to be a credible organization. 


By the time this Griffon issue is published and distributed, we will have selected the scholarship recipients for the 2017–2018 academic year. We have received 16 applications from throughout the command and its vast territory of responsibility. From the initial examination, it is quite apparent the quality of applications is very high making it harder to narrow the numbers and make a selection. Depending on available funds, it is hopeful, like last year, something can be awarded to all applicants. Be on the lookout for the 201 –2019 scholarship application, which will be printed in a future issue of the Griffon. Applications are also available on the association website, 

Become A Member

As with any all-volunteer organization, a strong membership is crucial for present and future existence and success. The 108th Griffon Association is no exception. Your membership is needed if the future of the association is to continue. Yearly tax-deductible memberships are only $10.00 and a lifetime membership is only $108.00. With this you receive the Griffon newspaper, but more importantly you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting an organization designated solely to helping soldiers, active, reserve and retired. 

The Griffon Association does more than present scholarships and have picnics. Additional funds are used to support soldiers, who because of training or other injuries, while on an active status, have short-term financial issues, where we provide monetary support and grants to ease their financial burden until the crisis is over. Numerous organizations such as the USO and several veteran support groups are presented with generous grants each year, as funds are available.

When non-appropriated funds are needed for a worthy cause, such as care packages for deployed soldiers, the Griffon Association is a steady and reliable source. This has been utilized numerous times over the course of the association’s existence.

All the above is why your membership is so important. Regardless of the subordinate unit to which you are a member, the Griffon Association is yours for support when needed. Please consider joining. You may be assured your contribution will not be wasted and will be put to very good use where needed. Please find the membership application with this article as space allows, or on line at 

Annual Golf Tournament

A large portion of the funds generated to support the Griffon Association projects and contributions are raised by our annual golf tournament. This year it is again being held at the Pine Island Country Club on 25 September 2017. We strongly encourage as many of you as possible to actually participate as volunteers in this endeavor, which has become a fun and most enjoyable day. If you wish to volunteer, please conduct Skip McCartney at [email protected]. However, if you are not in the immediate Charlotte, North Carolina area, you can still render your support by sponsoring one of the holes or other venues. Specific information for this event is again found on the 108th Griffon Association website,