Author: admin

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  • Author: admin

Spiritual Resilience and Presence at 2021 Cadet Summer Training

Greetings Timberwolves! First, let me introduce myself as I’m relatively new to the division and then I’d like to share a few key experiences I had at Cadet Summer Training this summer. My Background I’ve been a Chaplain for nine years and with the 104th Division (LT) nine months. Before this assignment, I served with

Why I Became a Drill Sergeant

Becoming a U.S. Army Reserve drill sergeant did not make me who I am. It is because of who I am that I became a drill sergeant. The ability to wear an additional cloth on my right chest pocket, nor the distinct headgear, led me to become a drill sergeant. It is the characteristics that

Cadets from Around the Globe Square Off at 2016 Sandhurst Competition

During the second day of competition at the 2016 Sandhurst competition, April 9, 2016, Cadets from the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., carry simulated casualties and their gear 560 meters at the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) station. In all 60 teams of cadets from 13 different countries participated in this

Big 99

Soldiers in Training form up after the run preparing to hear Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier, Fort Jackson commander, speak about the post’s birthday. After a brief speech, Cloutier led the troops in singing “Happy Birthday” to post. Photo by Robert Timmons, Fort Jackson Leader FORT JACKSON, S.C. — Victory has started on Fort Jackson for