Author: admin

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  • Author: admin

Joined for College, but Found Even More

He joined the U.S. Army Reserve as a way to pay for college back in 2010. Now, years later, Staff Sgt. Jovon Miles realizes that this one decision gave him more than a degree, it gave him a career, valuable experiences and a path to his best self. “I originally joined because I wanted to

Let Us Keep You Safe by Finding and Fixing Safety Recalls

The men and women who serve in the United States Army protect us every day. It’s only fair that we make sure those same men and women are protected whenever they get behind the wheel. More than 1 in 5 vehicles on the road today have open, unrepaired safety recalls. Many of those recalls pose

TASP and Suicide Prevention

The Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) is a powerful tool to proactively bring Soldiers, DA Civilians, and their family members into our formations while in transition; whether they are in-processing, out-processing from one unit to another, coming off active duty, and/or coming from the IRR.  When properly used, TASP can also be utilized as a

In Honor Of Your Service, We Are Honored To Serve You

Leadership, teamwork, strategy, excellence in communications, combined with highly reliable, professionals experienced at achieving efficient and effective operations; these are the terms and phrases often associated with the U.S. military professional. The challenge is to tailor these experiences into a portfolio that spotlights your professional capabilities and strengthens your promotion potential or prepare for success