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St. George is your plan for a new adventure:

You have to try mountain biking when you visit Southwest Utah! If you go to Hawaii, you give surfing a try. If you go to Costa Rica, you try zip lining through the jungle. So why do you have to give mountain biking a try when staying in St. George, Utah? Well, just like those

Going All the Way

Sgt. Michael Hughes, 2-377th Regiment, 95th Training Division (IET) – 108th Training Division (IET) Soldier of the Year. Joe Namath once said, “if you’re not gonna go all the way, why go at all?” and from March 20-24, 2017, 25 Soldiers, Noncommissioned Officers and Drill Sergeants of the 108th Training Command (Initial Entry Training) gathered

Welcome to the Academy

Sgt. 1st Class Eugene Serrano, USADSA Drill Sgt. Leader, gives a tour to a group of cadets with the South Point High School Navy Junior ROTC program of the Drill Sgt. Academy at Fort Jackson, S.C., Nov. 24, 2015. The cadets were there on a one-day visit to learn citizenship and patriotism but also see

CCWO – WO Career Path

Warrant Officer development is not just for Warrant Officers but also for branch officers – especially commanders – as they mentor, evaluate and recommend leader development training and opportunities. The Warrant Officer (WO) Leader Development Model is a guide that links WO Professional Military Education (PME) to developmental levels and talent management. WO PME is