Category: Articles

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Equal Opportunity Officer Retires with over 33 Years of Service

On October 21 at the 95th Division Memorial located in the 95th Training Division (IET) Headquarters building, Lt. Col. Michael D. Eckart retired from the United States Army Reserve after serving more than 33 years. Many Soldiers, family members, friends and former members of the division filled Snow Hall to honor the retiree. Eckart started

Nine Tips to Improve Your School Transition

It’s the letter that military families can dread. Just as they get acclimated to their latest post and develop roots in the community, the orders come from headquarters that it is time to pack up and move to another base, across, or sometimes out of the country. While these moves are not easy on any

Try a Theme Cruise for Your Next Vacation

Have you ever wanted to get a backstage pass to meet your favorite legendary Grammy Award-winning music artist after a concert, sip a fine glass of Moscato wine poured by an award-winning winemaker, play poker with tournament champs, attend a Military Reunion with your Vietnam buddies, do the twist and daily exercise with Chubby Checker,

Privilege and Honor

It’s 0500 hours on what promises to be another hot July day as 1SG Klass awakens the Soldiers of Alpha Company, 3-304th Infantry Battalion, in the on-post barracks to start another day of training the Cadets at the most elite military school in the country – the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY.