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Chattanooga: Hiking, Trolley Tours Street Parties and More

Chattanooga is the gateway to Tennessee and is nestled along the banks of the beautiful Tennessee River and surrounded by the spectacular scenic beauty of the mountains and the Cumberland Plateau. You will enjoy a newly revitalized green riverfront city, first class attractions, great Southern hospitality, rich Native American and Civil War history, outdoor adventures

The Journey of a Vision

“One day God spoke to me and said, ‘Go to Africa.’ And I literally did just that.” It really was that simple. In 2000, Alfie Jelks said he boarded a plane to Uganda with nothing more than the desire to help people, a man’s name and a few suitcases full of humanitarian aid. Jelks, who

3rd Annual Northern Warfare Challenge

Despite frigid temperatures and mental as well as physical challenges, Missouri university Science and Technology cadets leave the fire building station in great spirits. This particular challenge during the 3rd Annual Northern Warfare Challenge, hosted at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, Wis., required cadets to build a fire using batteries from a flashlight.

The Making of a Drill Sergeant: Meet Sgt. Alycia Perkins

(This is part one of a three-part story.) People join the military for many reasons. For some it’s a chance to serve their Country while seeing the world. For others, it’s a path to new opportunities through education and experience. And for others, it’s just part of their heritage. “I joined the Army out of