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To all the Soldiers and leaders within the 104th Division, it’s been my honor and privilege to serve with you the last three years. It is hard to believe that this time has come and gone so quickly. I would like to briefly highlight your accomplishments during this period.

When I took command of the 104th in September of 2014 we had no Drill Sergeants (DS), no Cadet Command AGR Professors of Military Science (PMS) and Assistant Professors of Military Science (APMS), had SROTC Adjunct Faculty in approximately 70 schools, and we had 14 Battalions in the Division. We were lagging in Soldier Readiness, and there was a need to improve processes and procedures across the Division. Regardless the changes we faced, you got our Soldiers ready, provided superior support to the mission, and took care of Soldiers, Civilians, and Family Members.

Today, Soldier Readiness has dramatically improved and our support to Cadet Command and West Point has increased both in quantity and quality. With your willingness to learn, CSM Trotter has increased understanding and use of EKS, CSMM, DTMS, and other Army Reserve systems down to the First Line Leader level. You are now focused on taking more time with leaders and Soldiers to show them what right looks like. Always remember, behind every single metric is a Soldier and behind every Soldier is a Family. Therefore, by using the systems designed to track and maintain the highest state of individual Soldier Readiness, you are taking care of Soldiers and their Families. GREAT JOB!

Developing leaders in the Division ranks has been essential. To successfully support Cadet Summer Training and West Point with world class Cadre, you have developed strategies to advance our leaders, starting with Professional Military Education (PME). You have done a great job completing your PME requirements. In sum, thank you for being committed professionals and dramatically improving our ability to train the Army’s future leaders. JOB WELL DONE!

The Reorganization of the Division demanded much of us all. But, your diligence and perseverance helped us complete this ahead of schedule all while multiple units moved to our sister Divisions or closed and the addition of 2nd Brigade and its Drill Sergeant Battalions. Through it all you continued to improve Soldier Readiness, increased your support to USMA, increased our support to Cadet Command, added capabilities to better support SROTC on university campuses with Adjunct Faculty, and continued to provide superior and more diverse support to CST. AWESOME!

To the Command Group, Division Command Group, Brigades, and Battalions, I have not always been an easy commander, yet you have always accepted my guidance and commander’s intent and allowed mission command to flourish. Despite constraints, you always found ways to ensure our units were successful. I will always appreciated your commitment to excellence and the mission. THANK YOU AND JOB WELL DONE!

Soldiers of the Timberwolves Division, the compliments I have received from the most senior leaders of our Army about your professionalism, expertise, and character has been overwhelming and made me so proud to be your Division Commander. Without your dedication and expertise, we would not have been able to accomplish what we did over the last three years. I cannot thank you enough for the fantastic job each of you has done; whatever successes I may have had are a credit to you!

In closing, thank you all for making this Division what I believe to be the best training unit in the Army. I sincerely appreciation your dedication, commitment, and selfless service to our Nation and its Soldiers. I’ve been truly honored to serve along your side. I now trust that the transition of command will be absolutely seamless.

With that, I would like to formally welcome COL(P) Joseph Edwards II, his wife Dora, and their daughters Alexus and Jaelynd to the Timberwolves Family. COL(P) Edwards comes to the Division from the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command and is ready to lead you and improve the organization! I now ask that you welcome him and give him the same great support you gave me.